Mistakes are wonderful learning opportunities. I repeat this over and over again because we all come with misconceptions that making mistakes is for failures, stupid, that it is the worst thing that can happen to us, and it is not like this.
To invent the light bulb they had to make a million failed attempts, but they were mistakes that had to be made to learn and reach the final result, life works the same way. We learn more when we make mistakes, fall down and have to get up again.
If we teach our children that it is wrong to make mistakes, they will live in fear, hiding their mistakes, thinking that they have to be perfect and having problems of depression or self-esteem because it is not possible to live without making mistakes, we are human and failures are an essential part of the learning process.
We must teach them that it is okay to make mistakes, that is normal and that the important thing is not to make the mistake itself, but what we do afterwards.
The most important thing when making a mistake is always to comply with the 3Rs
ACKNOWLEDGE: Accept that you made a mistake.
RECOGNIZE: Ask for forgiveness to those involved.
REPAIR: What should I do to fix what I did, look for solutions so that it does not happen again and learn for the future.
Let's put aside then those thoughts that we bring and start to see mistakes as opportunities, as something normal and healthy on an emotional and mental level that is necessary for the positive development of each person.