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  • Writer's pictureCarolina Bonnett


Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Motivation is an important part of being successful in everything we do. Help your children find what they are passionate about.

Today I want to talk about motivation since at this time, there is a general lack of interest and apathy in many adults, children and teenagers.

You have to understand that there are two ways to be motivated.

The first is to have needs and the second is to find our passions, on the first option we can see that people who have been very successful in history have had needs, perhaps had medical problems, or were between life and death, They had no financial resources, they had great failures, they made serious mistakes or were disappointed by someone.

Children or adolescents who are not motivated are usually because they do not have needs and therefore do not understand why it is necessary to make an effort since their parents give them everything.

If I ask you: Why aren't you a millionaire? Why don't you have 50 cars, 3 private jets, or a giant house? Well, maybe you could answer, because I don't want to, I don't need it, with the things I already have I feel good, or you can say: To achieve all that, I would have to work very hard and sacrifice many things that are important to me, like my free time.

The same is the case with teenagers and children, if you do not explain why they have to work, they will not be motivated to do things because they already have everything that is important to them. Sometimes they have wrong beliefs, so in that case, you should explain very well the consequences of all their decisions. Free will has good or bad consequences, hell is full of good intentions as they say.

If your children want to make bad decisions, then they should experience the consequences of their actions and you must accompany them with compassion without rescuing them, do not take away their own learning, human beings learn from their own mistakes and the consequences. It is hard, watching our children make mistakes, but it has to be that way as sadly we do not learn from second hand experiences.

Another option to be motivated is to find our passion, if you help your kids to find what they like and are passionate about, that will motivate them to keep going to achieve their goals. Do you want to dance, be a musician, be a scientist, or want to work in a specific company, or create your own business, it all takes a lot of effort, show your children films of the biographies of people who have been successful, there they always show what each person has to work hard to get ahead and achieve their goals. Tell them your own story...

It is not easy to find passion, currently there are many adults who have not achieved it and are stuck in jobs that they do not like, but if we start with that search from a young age it will be much easier, and explain that if you want to have a calmer and more bearable life, education is essential because if they do not study, they will not be able to contribute with their talents to society.

Do not tell them that they have to study to earn money, since that is not enough motivation because at this moment, as they already have your money, it will not be a coherent speech and if they study or work only for that reason, they may end up in a job that they do not like or in something that is illegal to get the things the easy way, ending up as influencers with empty lives but with a lot of money or simply being unhappy since money cannot be the only reason to work.

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