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  • Writer's pictureCarolina Bonnett


Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Getting angry is part of our life, since it is an emotion that allows us to defend ourselves, to speak up and to defend our ideals.

If your neighbor wants to show you how perfect is her son, his good grades and how well he does everythings, does not mean that he does not have challenges with him.

Nobody is perfect, some people are very shy, talks a lot, are very calm or very quiet, everyone make mistakes sometimes and if you insist on educating perfect people you may achieve it superficially, but that child, will not feel good because it is not possible not make mistakes and be perfect all the time.

It does not matter what discipline method are you using, anyone is going to make that our children always behave correctly, this is because you have a growing person in front of you, there are many emotions involved, learnings, successes, failures and off course chaos.

If children don't make mistakes when they are children they will do it when they are adults.

Let's pretend that you are designing a car for sale, what do you prefer, that before taking that car out in the market this one shows all the faults so you can fix it? Or that the failures come out when it was already on sale and they return it to you for for malfunction? This is how education works.

With bad behaviors always remember 2 concepts:

1. What is the cause, remember the wrong goals, why the child is misbehaving.

2. What is the objective, what is the child looking for. By understanding this you can solve the problems from the roots.

And if a badbehavior is repeated over and over again, change your approach and your strategies to change it since you may continue using techniques that do not work for that person. Remember what works for one child may not work for another.

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