Emotional self-control is the ability to manage disturbing emotions and remain effective, even in stressful situations. Notice that I said “manage,” which is different from suppressing emotions. We need our positive feelings that makes life rich. But we also need to allow ourselves the space and time to process difficult emotions depending on the context. It is one thing to do it in a heartfelt conversation with a good friend, and entirely another to release your anger or frustration at work. With emotional self-control, you can manage destabilizing emotions, staying calm and clear-headed.
What can you do to improve your emotional self-control?
- Be aware of what you feel. Observe, describe and name your emotion.
- Note its intensity and understand what caused that emotion
- How you interpreted the situation? You think is possible to have a different point of view?
- Feel your body and your sensations on a physical level
- What non-verbal language you had, what you said and did?
- What were the consequences
- Make a journal to understand what are the situations that put you in difficult moments and be more aware for change your negative thoughts and emotions.
- Change your thoughts. Behind your emotions are your thoughts and beliefs. Even if you can’t change some situations, focus on the positive side, this can help you to have a different point of view and reduce conflicts.
- Set yourself to have positive emotions. Find a place to relax and fill it with things that bring you positive thoughts and peace.
- Create your own anchor word, a word that will be your mental instrument to calm your thoughts and reduce mental noise.
- Use relaxation techniques. Make a habit out of relaxing, can be meditation, sport, art, music, dance or anything else that makes you enjoy and be happy. Over time, you will become more calm and at the same time more aware of your own person, becoming more willing to work on your EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING.
- Try to see the situation from outside. Think about if what is happening requires the actions you are taking or your negative attitude. This will make you see things more clearly and not get so emotionally involved. You will become less subjective.
- When you lose control of the situation, change your focus of attention. Do something else. Don’t focus on what you feel, what is wrong, don’t split hairs amplifying your negative state. Drink a glass of water, take a walk, take a breath, go jogging, whatever it takes to return to a normal state.
Emotional self-control is one of the most important abilities, and we need to give it the proper attention if we want to live in harmony with ourselves and others, because without emotional self-control, our inner strength becomes mostly negative, manifesting like a frisky horse or a tornado capable of destroying everything that gets in their way.